Well Told Health

Well Told Health is a certified organic apothecary that offers clean, plant-based Health Boosters crafted from organic botanicals and nothing else. We believe in the powerful healing force of plants that nourish and invigorate. In an ideal world we would get everything we need from the food we eat, but this isn't always possible. Our Health Boosters are not meant to replace a healthy diet; rather, they contain therapeutic doses of plant-based ingredients that we would not be able to get from diet alone.

2020-09-08T15:21:56-04:00W,X,Y&Z|0 Comments


Light, crunchy Whisps Cheese Crisps are made of 100% “wheel” cheese for a deliciously low carb, high protein, and gluten free snack to beat even your cheesiest cravings.

2020-09-08T15:21:56-04:00W,X,Y&Z|0 Comments

Watkins Co.

Watkins Inc.Crafting Award-Winning Gourmet Flavors Since 1868 (TM). Watkins offers products that deliver a superior experience, using environmentally-friendly and responsible ingredients and packaging.

2020-09-08T15:21:56-04:00W,X,Y&Z|0 Comments

Yogi Organic Teas

Our story begins in 1969 when Yogi Bhajan, an inspired teacher of holistic living, started teaching yoga in America. He shared the wisdom and knowledge of Ayurveda and healthy living that he had mastered in India with his students while serving a specially spiced tea, which they affectionately named "Yogi Tea. Yogi has continued to expand and evolve our tea offerings to 21 in Canada which address specific health needs by creating specialized herbal formulas, blended for both flavor and purpose.

2020-09-08T15:21:56-04:00W,X,Y&Z|0 Comments


In 1921 Pharmacists and physicians gathered in Switzerland under the guidance of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, to create a natural and personal care company later called WELEDA. Using pharmaceutical techniques combined with a spiritual approach, they formulated a truly innovative line of quality products based upon the study of relationships between the substances and processes of nature and the human being. By cultivating plants using organic and biodynamic agricultural methods, harvesting them at peak times, and processing them with the utmost care, WELEDA believes it is possible to retain a plant's inherent qualities and healing properties.

2020-09-08T15:21:56-04:00W,X,Y&Z|0 Comments

Wild Rose

All Wild Rose products are created from a combination of clinical experience, traditional wisdom and modern knowledge. We begin with proven traditional formulas and then build upon the firm foundation with a structure of botany, biochemistry and herbology. By combining past wisdom with modern technology, we create products that reflect our commitment to excellence. We use the highest quality ingredients available. At Wild Rose, we believe this to be true and trust that you will come to realize the same. You are invited to enjoy greater health and well-being as a result of using our products.

2020-09-08T15:21:56-04:00W,X,Y&Z|0 Comments
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